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New Member Questions


Hi all.

I'm a new intern member as of this last night/this morning and have a few points I could use a bit of clarification on:

  •  What day of the week and time are the weekly donations/tax due? The front page lists weeks by Sat-Fri, so I'm assuming that they are due by the end of the day Friday, but that doesn't clarify an exact time.
  • The rules say to make the donation/tax in increments of 1k. Do you have to make your entire donation at one time or can you split it up (e.g. 3k on a Monday and another 5k on Thursday)?
  • How long does the internship period last? (I was a bit worried when the registration page said 5k combined with XBL being down yesterday while at the same time being reliant on the weekends to put large amounts of game time in, not so much anymore seeing that it's only 3k minimum this week. I know I have that amount on my character.)
  • How are off weeks handled?  I could certainly see instances where adequately performing members take a vacation or something for a week. What happens then? (Note: I have no plans for immediate future, just wanting to know for future's sake)

I think that covers the questions I have right now. Sorry if it was covered somewhere, there was a LOT of info to go through and I didn't catch it if it was and in some places a few things were contradicted (such as the minimum donation).


EDIT: Just thought of another I intended to ask:

The ranks page mentions a second Rawl'ka guild for Partner level members but the MOTD mentioned an Elden Root guild. Are these the same thing only the location changed, separate but follow the same rules, or something completely different?


1. Donations are to be in by Midnight EST on Fridays.

2. The mandatory minimum weekly deposit is listed on the front page of our site & in the MOTD. 

3. All deposits are to be made in amounts divisible by 1,000 but can be made in any amounts you wish unless you are trying to purchase a lotto ticket.

4. Ranking rules and regs are found at the appropriate forum post which is linked on the front page to the left hand side.

5. If you have an off week coming prepay your deposit to keep yourself up to date.

6. Read the MOTD for more info on our second trader there is no donations expected to made in RTU but if you are in both a larger contribution to Guilfoyle would be greatly appreciated.

I think that covers your questions.




 Cool, that clarifies a few things, but still leaves a couple hanging.


On the ranks page, it just says that the intern period just "lasts a few days" but doesn't quantify what a few days is. Is it first donation or pay period, which ever is first?


You didn't really touch the split payment question I had. I know I have at least the minimum for Salesperson (3k) on my character and intend to deposit it when I get home from work. Let's say that theoretically I have a good week and come up with a whole lot more gold. Would an additional deposit of 15k be added to the part I've already deposited for the Partner level (18k), or would the deposit have to be 1 lump sum to qualify?


You mentioned prepaying for off weeks, I'm assuming we'll also need to let you know that a certain payment is a prepayment?


1. All time donations are accumulative from when you join.  The ranking system is all based on accumulative all time donations.  Although if you are missing weekly donations regularly even though you have built up stock in all time donations we will reserve the right to fire you.  As a partner whom is keeping up with his weekly donates you have no chance of being removed unless it is more of a infraction of rules issue.

2. You will come out of internship when we get around to going through the deposits and making changes that day.  Promotions from intern to salesperson happens fairly quickly.  All other promotions occur once a week when we do our final weeks end audit.

3.  The only ranks we remove from guild are unemployed & if we have no one in unemployed and we have a promising member we would remove the salesperson with the lowest All time donation number which you can find listed in your member notes on your name in the guild roster.

4.  IF you plan to take a break from game or have a vacation or something yes let us know and make a deposit.


K, think I've mostly got it sorted out in my head. Thanks.

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